Journey to the Altar Part 1: Being Single is a Gift, it really is!
Dear Sister,
I am not far removed from what life was like being a single woman without children. I consider my marriage to be fairly new, under 2 years old. Singleness is a blessing NOT a curse. Let me tell you why I think so.
As a single woman, you have time on your calendar you haven't begun to utilize. Think about it, we all have the same 24 hours in a day to accomplish goals, complete tasks and work on building your character. If you are single with no children, you have even more time; this is prime season to work on yourself while you have no dependents.
You may be wondering what I mean by work on yourself? Here are a few examples. Learn a new skill, sewing, changing a flat tire or even website design. Take up a hobby, past-time, or join a club. Enjoy life to the fullest now. Don't wait! Do you want to be found by your husband as a woman with an engaging, purpose-driven life or boring? It's your choice.
Let me tell you, long gone are the days I get to sleep in on a Saturday morning and relax in peace and quiet. I have a family, wonderful husband and children who are early risers.
Enjoy your peaceful, quiet moments where it's you and your thoughts. Once you're married you are sharing space, time and life with another being.
Alert! Alert! If you're having any thoughts that begin with "When I get married I will do (fill in the blank)." We've all had these thoughts, you are not alone. Why are you waiting until you get married to travel the world, purchase a property, go back to school, write a book, lose weight, or whatever your thing is??? Why? Don't wait, do it now! Make a plan to do what you have a desire to do. Do not become stagnate and complacent in your singlehood because you have a laundry list of things you want to do when you're married. Whose to say your interests will remain the same once you're married. Don't wait, do it now!
Ladies, tomorrow is not promised.
Bianca Cotton is the Founder of Behind the Confident Smile, a lover of Christ, wife, and mom who enjoys dealing hope to women all over the world.