Journey to the Altar Part 3: Preparing to Be a Wife
Dear Sister,
Let me start by saying I did not set out to be a man's wife. My goal was to get closer to Christ. Developing my relationship with God, establishing myself professionally, traveling the world, being with my family and serving others were on the top of my list.
I was preparing to be a better me.
After my last dating relationship resulted in a dysfunctional ending; I told God that I would not date again until I was married. I told God I would start dating after I say "I do." I meant it. I wanted a friendship with my soon-to-be husband, not date him. I discovered through my dating relationships that I made a horrible girlfriend because I am a wife. That is another conversation for another day.
Like I was stating, I didn't date. I gave up my dating life. I surrendered my will to God's will.
I served God and God's people. Whenever there was an opportunity to give back, I was there! Where there were poetry sets, I was there. Hanging out with my friends. I was there. Being Auntie to my nieces and nephews I was there. Reading, reading and reading more books about being a Godly woman, wife, entrepreneur, eyes were glued to the pages. I was there.
What some may call a strike, I called a journey of peace, transformation, wholeness, and seeking God with a whole heart, type of journey.
Do you want to be a wife? It doesn't start when he puts a ring on it and you say "I do."
It starts with YOU today.
In this very moment, you make a decision to fine-tune some skills.
Do you know how to cook? I mean prepare not one famous meal, a few recipes. Some men do like to cook and may even love it. But it's nothing like having your wife cook for you and set the plate before you to devour.
Do you have an attitude problem? Maybe you are not the warmest lady? Do you snap-off at the drop of a dime? Provide sarcastic remarks for each comment? Roll your eyes when someone in a position of authority asks you to do something? If you said yes to any or all of those questions; It is time to start working on demonstrating kindness, meekness, gentleness, patience, and long-suffering. You might be hindering the husband for you from ever approaching you because of how you treat people.
Maybe you have been focusing on the wrong things, it's time to turn your focus inward and watch God change you. Yield to His will and instructions during this time of singleness.
Bianca Cotton is the Founder of Behind the Confident Smile, a lover of Christ, wife, and mom who enjoys dealing hope to women all over the world.